Issues to Be Resolved in Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation can help you and your spouse resolve all aspects of your divorce, including:

Division of property and debts:

  • What property and debts do you and your spouse own?
  • How much is your property and debts worth?
  • How will you divide your property and debts?
  • What will happen to the marital home?
  • How will you divide your household contents?
  • How will you value and divide any pensions or retirement accounts?
  • What debts were incurred during the marriage?
  • What will happen to any businesses that you and your spouse own together or separately?

Spousal support:

  • Will either spouse pay alimony?
  • How much alimony will be paid, and for how long?
  • What are the tax implications of alimony?
  • What will trigger a change or end to alimony payments?

Child support:

  • Will either parent pay child support?
  • How much child support will be paid, and what does it cover?
  • Will there be a cost-of-living increase to child support payments?
  • What will trigger a change or end to child support payments?
  • How will special expenses, such as medical bills and childcare costs, be shared?
  • Will there be an education fund for the children?

Health care and insurance:

  • How will you divide health insurance coverage for yourself, your children, and the other parent?
  • How will you share uncovered health care expenses and deductibles?

Life insurance:

  • Who is the beneficiary of your life insurance policy?
  • Will the beneficiary stay the same or change?
  • Who will pay the premiums?
  • Do you need life insurance to protect your child support obligations?

Insights has mediators trained in divorce and family mediation. We can help you and your spouse resolve all of these issues and reach a mutually agreeable divorce settlement.