Rebuild Your Life Month

“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.” 
― Lao Tzu


Have you been considering changes in your life, but don’t know where or when to start? Well, why not during the month of June? After all, June is Rebuild Your Life Month. This event was originally created by Donald Etkes, Pd.D. as an opportunity for adults who were neglected/abused as children to discover their self-worth. But everyone can benefit by examining where they are in life from time to time … and purposely embarking on a path toward where they want to be.

Whether you’re wanting to start or change a career, go back to school, take some much-needed time off, lose weight or cease a negative habit, or move to a new home—the idea behind these desires is to create more joy in your life; yet as we all know, fear and uncertainty can keep us from taking those first steps.

Start with one small change—a baby step. Make and keep a promise to yourself that you will follow-through with that one small change every day, for the next 30 days. No excuses. Perhaps you will promise to look at online jobs for 30 minutes daily. Or call one school each day to speak with a counselor. Or take a 15-minute walk. Like so many things in life, lasting results rarely happen with massive overnight changes that can be difficult to maintain but instead, with small, consistent changes and moderation.

Want a better life? Start this month … and enjoy the process.

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