Managing Adult ADHD


If you’re an adult with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you know how challenging it can be staying on top of things. ADHD is characterized by persistent short attention span, distractibility, disorganization, procrastination, and problems with forethought, judgment, and impulse control. While some show signs of hyperactivity and attention deficit, others do not show signs of hyperactivity. In either case, a psychological evaluation can be highly useful in determining the presence of ADHD and pinpointing its origin.

With ADHD, even tasks as “simple” as paying bills, keeping up with friends and family, and completing projects at work can seem overwhelming. And although summer tends to offer a more relaxed vibe, it can actually work against you by throwing you off your regular schedule.

Sticking to a consistent routine will not only help keep you organized but also feel less stressed. Here are a few simple tips for managing adult ADHD:

  • Think of time in “chunks”– While performing daily tasks, setting a timer for 45 minutes or 1 hour throughout the day can help keep you focused and provide a sense of manageability.
  • Strive for balance– Stay busy, but not too busy. When you’re engaged in activities that are meaningful and/or productive, you’ll feel good about what you are able to accomplish in a certain time period. Whenever possible, learn to say no to things that are not a priority for you.
  • Practice regular self-care– Be sure to get plenty of sleep, take your medications (if this applies to you), and plan your (healthy) meals in advance. Neglecting any of these things can throw your mood off and your metabolism into a tailspin, which will only exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD.
  • Add in some summertime play– Adults need playtime, too, and adults with ADHD can especially benefit from regular movement (dancing, cycling, etc.). Any type of exercise can help reduce stress, which can also help with impulse control.

If you have been diagnosed with adult ADHD, or suspect that you might have symptoms of ADHD, we can help. Click here for a list of typical ADHD symptoms. Call Insights Therapy today at 214-706-0508.

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