Hopping Off the “Summer Slide”


Are you familiar with the term “summer slide”? It refers to students’ tendency to lose some of the achievement gains made during the previous school year. Studies have shown that on average, achievement scores over summer vacation decline by one month’s worth of learning. Scores decline more for math than reading, and more so at higher grade levels.

While summer is a wonderful time to relax, it can also be a time when we don’t challenge our kids (or ourselves) as much as we normally do. We put off many things until “school is back in session.” But that time is almost upon us, so here are some ways to get your kids mentally and physically ready for Day One:

Start with Sleep

Now’s the time to ease back into your child’s regular sleeping schedule, with earlier bed and wake-up times. Don’t wait until two nights before school starts. You’ll thank us.

Reduce Screen Time

If your kiddo’s eyes have been glued to a screen for a good part of the summer, reduce that time by fifteen minutes each day. Have older kids read a good old-fashioned book for the same amount of time (or, for younger children, you can read to them).

Incorporate Some Fun

Don’t focus on learning; focus on having fun whilelearning. Family games that involve spelling, math, etc. will easily accomplish that goal—try Bananagrams, Scrabble, counting games while driving, etc.

Get Kids Involved

Rather than “just doing it for them,” allow kids to be a part of the whole back to school process including letting them pick out a new backpack, locker décor, school supplies, etc.


Make this a great school year for you and your kids. And remember, you don’t have to go it alone. If your child is struggling with anxiety, academic, social, or behavioral issues, we’re here to help.



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