Is a Mediation Agreement Legally Binding?

Yes, a mediation agreement signed at the end of a mediation session is a legally binding contract. This means that both parties are required to uphold the terms of the agreement, and if one party fails to do so, the other party can enforce the agreement in court.

Mediation agreements are often used as the basis for divorce decrees, but they can also be used to resolve other types of disputes, such as child custody and support disputes, business disputes, and employment disputes.

Not all successful mediation sessions result in a signed mediation agreement. Sometimes parties may agree to the terms of a settlement but decide to take their agreement to an attorney to have it drafted into a formal agreement. This is often done when the parties are seeking a divorce, as the divorce decree will need to be approved by a judge.

Insights has mediators trained in divorce and family mediation. We can help you resolve your dispute through mediation and draft a mediation agreement that is tailored to your specific needs.